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Is Laser Tattoo Removal Expensive?

The first question anyone ever asks about Laser Tattoo Removal is HOW MUCH DOES IT COST?
The real question that should be asked when you call a Laser Tattoo Removal Clinic is … CAN YOU REMOVE or FADE MY TATTOO SAFELY WITHOUT SCARRING?

Laser Tattoo Removal is a fading process. It uses the unique physics of high-speed, high-powered laser energy to smash tattoo ink within the skin. Using the correct laser system, like the Quanta Systems Discovery Pico+ Laser, tattoo ink can be removed safely without scarring or damage to the the skin. Essentially, the laser is a ‘hammer’ that smashes ink particles. That said, what is needed is a delicate hammer that ONLY targets ink particles, not skin, and a clinician who knows exactly HOW to use that laser system, to remove your tattoo.

There is a wonderful anecdote about a ship owner and an engineer –

A giant ship’s engine broke down and no one could repair it, so the ship’s owner hired a Mechanical Engineer with over 40 years of experience to repair the engine. The engineer inspected the engine very carefully, from top to bottom. After seeing everything, the engineer unloaded his tool bag and pulled out a small hammer.
He knocked something gently. Soon, the engine came to life again. The engine has been fixed!
Later the engineer told the shop’s owner that the total cost of repairing the giant ship was $20,000.
“What?!” said the owner.
“You did almost nothing. Give me a detailed bill.”
The bill was very simple:
Tap with a hammer: $2
Knowing where to knock and how much to knock: $19,998

This is the importance of appreciating expertise and experience.

A Class 4 Medical Grade Laser System suitable for Laser Tattoo Removal is a significant investment ranging in price from $100,00 to $360,000 for the latest Pico Laser Systems.

A successful Laser Tattoo Removal Clinic will have invested in such equipment and will have highly trained and experienced staff to handle your tattoo removal.

At Disappear Ink Tattoo Removal, we are able successfully remove your tattoo because we have invested years in mastering the fine art of laser tattoo removal as well as investing in the latest laser tattoo removal technology, the Quanta Systems Discovery Pico+ Laser.

So, next time you call a Laser Tattoo Removal Clinic, don’t ask HOW MUCH.


But even after reading this far, if you REALLY want to know how much your tattoo removal will cost, we offer three ways to obtain a price quotation :

Book a FREE Initial Consultation in Clinic to personally discuss what you would like done to your tattoo, or tattoos – from a fading, a repair, partial removal or a total removal.

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It's September 2024 and we can't believe we've been doing this for 11 years now. That makes us Sydney's oldest Laser Tattoo Removal

Zoe Quelch

The knowledge and experience of removing tattoos shines through at this clinic! Having tried another clinic in the belief they would remove
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Currently in process of fully removing my top arm half sleeve and within 4 sessions the tattoo is about 40% gone! Highly recommend! This
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sure does an incredible job in making it as pleasant as possible. I’m glad I chose this clinic.
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