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5 Questions About Face Tattoo Removal Answered

It seemed like a good idea at the time! Bold, highly individualistic and the ultimate form of self-expression, people like you absolutely love their meaningful and audacious face tattoos as they challenge social norms and pledge extreme commitment to a cause or a personal message. That being said, it’s never really a shock when people ask us questions about face tattoo removal.

As we said above, tattoos on face and neck areas may seem like a great idea at the time – only to discover that it just cost you a job. Or a new partner. Or you’re sick of people looking sideways at it, or judging you before they even bother getting to know you – or you’ve just changed as a person and want the “old you” to greet you in the mirror in the mornings.

Laser tattoo removal is the Gold Standard of facial tattoo removal, including eyebrow tattoo removal – especially if we’re talking about the latest generation Pico laser technology. This technology features a super-short pulse duration for less tissue damage to the delicate face, multiple wavelengths so a facial tattoo can be precisely targeted, high power output for faster and more effective treatments, as well as:

  • Advanced cooling for less discomfort
  • Innovative design for stubborn tattoo colours.

But all too often these days, we’re asked specifically about how our next-generation Pico laser works on those sensitive facial tattoos – because the outcome is obviously even more critical than elsewhere on the body. So we’ve heard all your questions – and hereby present you with all the answers:

1. How many laser sessions are required?

It really depends on how big it is, what colours were used, and how complex the tattoo design is. But generally, face tattoo removal needs to be done extremely meticulously and carefully, so you’re looking at somewhere between 2-3 to up to 10-15 separate sessions.

2. How long between face tattoo removal sessions?

Again, it depends on several factors, including how your skin heals from each session – which can depend on the skin type. But it should definitely be a minimum of 8 weeks, and probably even a bit more than that – even if your body may be able to tolerate more regular sessions.

3. Does face tattoo removal hurt more than usual?

Pinch the skin on your forearm; now pinch the skin on your face. Did your face hurt more? The answer is probably ‘yes’, but Pico technology is known for being less uncomfortable than other lasers when it comes to tattoo removal pain levels – and your laser professional is likely to use a numbing cream to assist in discomfort relief.

4. Are the risks greater?

No, the risks really are the same as with any other part of your body, recognising that only in the worst cases do you need to worry about permanent scarring or infection. What you should expect, however, is a period of swelling, redness, possible blistering, scabbing, and discolouration – but none of these tattoo removal side effects should last long and all of it should completely resolve just as it would elsewhere on the body.

5. How should I prepare?

There’s not a lot you need to do – but you definitely shouldn’t get sunburned or go for your latest tanning session beforehand! And if you’re really serious about maximising the results and minimising the ill effects, give some thought to giving up the cigarettes for a while and also avoiding aspirin – because it drives up the risks of excessive bleeding and bruising.

Book in for facial tattoo removal today

Do you have extra questions about face tattoo removal? With the latest advances in laser technology, it really is possible to substantially or totally say goodbye to that unwanted facial tattoo – but it really does depend on the specific tat, the specific location and skin type, and more. To talk over your specific situation and expectations with one of the qualified and experienced Sydney laser technicians right here at Disappear Laser Clinic, get in touch today.

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Zoe Quelch

The knowledge and experience of removing tattoos shines through at this clinic! Having tried another clinic in the belief they would remove
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Currently in process of fully removing my top arm half sleeve and within 4 sessions the tattoo is about 40% gone! Highly recommend! This
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